Holland & Barrett

The UK’s largest health & wellness retailer, with over 150 years of experience.

HB cover
400x400 Holland Barrett

Pursue a healthier lifestyle and stock up on Holland & Barrett’s extensive selection of vitamins and minerals. They also supply a variety of veggie good mood foods to give your body a boost and a wealth of sports nutrition products.

Latest Offers

Buy 1, Get 1 Half Price across the store at H&B

Mix and match on over 1000 vitamins and supplements at Holland & Barrett!

3 for 2 across the store at Holland & Barrett

Shop our wellness range now with our exclusive 3 for 2 offer across 1000’s of products to help you move better, feel stronger and recover quicker. Offer valid until 29th April 2025.

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Opening Times

9am - 6pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 6pm
10am - 4pm
Bank Holidays
10am - 4pm
*store is open until 8pm on selected Thursdays leading up to Christmas
  • Click & Collect
  • Gift Vouchers
  • Blue Light
  • NHS Discount
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